Monday 2025/02/10

Published under category "Products"

Bitumen Marshall

Bitumen Marshall

Marshall bitumen would be manufactured for the first time in Iran with the quality and standards of Europe by the Azar Davam Yol company, this bitumen is used for airfields.

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Bitumen PG

Bitumen PG

Printing and zoning map of PG in the country due to the meteorological data from the years (1997-2007) was first done by Pasargad Oil Company. However, due to the gradual warming of the air, Adyco company has attempted in providing new and up to date zoning PG which duration of the last eleven years (2003-2014) […]

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Bitumen 180/200

Bitumen 180/200

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 180 to 200.

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Bitumen 100/120

Bitumen 100/120

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 100 to 120.

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Bitumen 85/100

Bitumen 85/100

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 85 to 100.

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Bitumen 60/70

Bitumen 60/70

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 60 to 70.

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Bitumen 50/70

Bitumen 50/70

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 50 to 70.

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Bitumen 40/50

Bitumen 40/50

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 40 to 50.

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Bitumen 30/40

Bitumen 30/40

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 30 to 40.

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Bitumen 20/30

Bitumen 20/30

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 20 to 30.

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Bitumen 10/20

Bitumen 10/20

This bitumen is kind of bitumen through the oxidation process on the stick vacuum (Raw material for the production of bitumen residue from oil refineries taken in a vacuum distillation column) which is obtained in the unit of bitumen so that the degree of permeability is between 10 to 20.

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